Case Studies

Case Study 4 – Dignity Health Sports Park (Home Depot Centre) California,

The Dignity Health Sports Park, formerly named the Home Depot Centre at the onset of its construction, and for the first ten years of its existence, is home to the LA Galaxy Football Club. It boasts a 27,000-seat stadium which was initially completed in 2003. The $150 million project was developed and is operated by the Anschutz Entertainment Group; it is the second largest soccer-specific stadium in the United States, and the third largest major league soccer stadium of its kind.

Currently, it is situated on 125 acres of the California State University, Dominguez Hills campus and features state-of-the art stadiums and facilities for soccer, tennis, track & field, cycling, lacrosse, rugby, volleyball, baseball, softball, basketball, and a variety of other sports. Designated as an “Official U.S. Olympic Training Site,” Dignity Health Sports Park is the nation’s most complete training facility for Olympic, amateur, and professional athletes.

Home Depot Centre

To this day, this project represents the largest and one of the most recognizable structures Durose has ever been involved in. It was completely erected within the Durose facility to ensure its accuracy at the site’s installation. 

Durose fabricated all structural steel components in house, utilizing an astonishing 75 trucks to deliver the entirety of the components all the way from Guelph to the Los Angeles region. The project was a huge feat and demanded project management skills of an intermediate level. Luckily, Durose was more than up for the task, and was able to execute their part to complete this iconic attraction and sports landmark.

The development of the Dignity Health Sports Park remains a huge accomplishment for all those involved, and Durose is extremely proud to have been a part of its construction and its history.